Once upon a Pandemic

The past two years have been unlike anything I could imagine. Considering I terrorize people like a maniacal god, that’s impressive. Well, okay, not real people. But we all have tales of woe starting with “Once upon a pandemic . . .” I don’t intend to rehash mine. Rather, I acknowledge that everyone’s tragedies or triumphs, their loneliness, career setbacks, or heart-wringing losses are a testament to the human experience. We all hurt. We all suffer. Pandemic or not. Much like you, I prayed. I cried. And when circumstances prevented me from writing, I was broken.

When a reader emotionally invests in a story, he/she expects a climax chapter that will push the protagonist over a cliff. In writer speak, the showdown should provide plot resolution and reveal character growth. Even more important, it should show the reader an example of the human spirit shining through. We all need a bit of that right now. Still.

Winston Churchill once said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

Yes. Amen. Because the reality is, fear gives you nothing. While my fictional friends endure being shot, kidnapped, or solving a homicide, whatever your pandemic plot line, I hope you can skip those challenges. 🙂 Nor would I want you to wait long for its conclusion.

Take care, reader friend.


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